About L&S

"The best way to fully master a language is start using it as a tool to learn something new, to make sense of challenging and interesting content"

We want to help professionals to be successful in a globalized world. Being functionally bilingual, fully mastering English as a second language is a crucial prerequisite for this; we help our trainees in achieving this goal. We specialize in taking English learners from B 2 to C 1 and C 1 to C 2.

English is our tool to communicate ideas and train skills; it is our medium of instruction, not the content to be learned. Our customers are people with a good working knowledge of English, starting from a B 2 CEF level of competence, as well as native speakers. Our unique offering is the only one that has fully embraced the realities of a diverse, globalized workplace: we create an environment where second language speakers and native ones can learn and grow together.

Our Purpose

Helping people to succeed in a globalized world

Our Values

More than a language school

René Lindner - Founder

Language and Skills is dedicated to sharing knowledge, empowering individuals and improving performance.

All our trainees have one thing in common: they want to take their professional knowledge and skills, as well as their English vocabulary, to the next level. Our method is both efficient and effective: efficient, because our trainees familiarize themselves with the most cutting edge insights from economics and the social sciences while gaining full mastery of the English language. Effective, because high quality content ensures high levels of motivation and spurs an interest in topics that the trainees pursue long after the workshop or course is finished.

We are committed to helping our trainees to be effective and feel comfortable in an intellectually demanding, globalized world: that’s why we are passionate about building communication skills and sharing cutting edge scientific insights. At the same time, we know that a high-level command of English is a necessity to succeeding in any international setting. We also emphasize teaching our trainees how to master a language on their own; we want to foster their autonomy. With our method we are able to achieve all of these goals.

We believe that positive learning experiences, a relaxed constructive atmosphere in combination with high level content, spur personal growth, spark curiosity and boost skill development. We use English as a tool to share ideas and train skills while creating a natural setting to extend vocabulary and autonomous language usage.


The Company

We focus our energy and our expenses on delivering the best possible service and working with the best people in the field. We keep our overheads low and make sure that we can pay our trainers what they are worth. We offer a service for a diverse, globalized world and this committment to diversity also guides our recruiting policy.