
René Lindner has been covering technology as a journalist ever since he started writing professionally for "FNE", an English language financial publication based in Prague. After writing content for "At work", a Henkel corporate magazine for several years, he became the editor for a magazine published by one of the world's leading manufacturers for smart metering technology. This gave him a unique chance to observe the impact of the digital revolution on a conservative and a vitally important industry. For more than ten years, he has been keeping a close eye on the visions, promises and threats associated with digital revolution's impact on the economy and the society as a whole. 

La Nueva Era de la máquina

Encontrando el sentido a la revolución digital

Las computadoras han aprendido a diagnosticar enfermedades, conducir coches, escribir prosa limpia y ganar programas de juegos. Avances como estos han creado riqueza sin precedentes, mientras que el ingreso medio se ha estancado y los niveles de empleo están cayendo. Las empresas y los individuos, deben aprender a utilizar las máquinas en su beneficio en lugar de verlos como competencia.

Este taller integral examina las implicaciones de este desarrollo, da ejemplos de cómo se benefician, permite a los participantes experimentar con algunas herramientas inteligentes y proporciona una respuesta a la pregunta: ¿Qué pueden hacer los seres humanos que las computadoras no pueden? This comprehensive workshop takes a close look at key concepts like exponential growth, the law of accelerating returns and the latest advances in machine learning, to name just a few. We will enter into virtual conversations with some of the new machine age's protagonists like Ray Kurzweil, Peter Thiel, Jeremy Howard and Marc Andreesen. But we will also consider critical voices like for example those of Jaron Lanier, Andrew Keen and Bill Joy. 

The highly interactive concept is focused on learner participation and training communication skills: trainees will actively engage with the ideas and concepts presented, through group work, discussions and meeting simulations. At the end, trainees will develop and hold their own presentations. 


Informacion general

Duracion del seminario: 1 días / 10:00 - 13:00 Hr

Capacitador/Facilitador: René Lindner 

Numeron de participantes: min. 6 - max. 12 personas

Dirigido a: B 2 - C 2

Ubicación: IST Hochschule   Erkrather Str. 220  220 a-c 40233 Düsseldorf